Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Evidence of a Manufactured Case

Marvin D Wilson, an innocent man, is in prison for a homicide that he did not commit, since July 23, 1998.  The case was manufactured against him by the D.A. Brian Paliak and the lead investigator Bill Warmington. What they used as evidence contradicts the facts. Also an eyewitness has come forward with the truth..
The D.A. says  the defendant was arrested on July 24, 1998: Facts says July 23, 1998. This alle­gation, by the D.A., was made only after the defendant stated at his evidentiary hearing in January 2000, that Paducah, KY FBI agent Phil Lewzendar and officer Bill Abernathy made up the alleged confession. So the D.A. tries to discredit the defendant by saying that he is lying because, allegedly, he wasn t arrested on July 23 and Lewzendar and Abernathy weren't at work on July 24 so could not have made up any confession. However, how did the defendant get these names and he has 8 documents of fact showing he was arrested on July 23, 1998. And in the defendant's 1999 sentencing transcripts, the same D.A. clearly states that it is July 23 that the defen­dant was arrested.
The D.A. uses as evidence that the defendant allegedly gave a taped confession in KY to Lewzendar and Abernathy: The facts are the alleged tape was never heard in open court. When the D,A, gave the defendant's attorney an alleged copy of the alleged tape, it was Blank! And the D.A. went on to alleged that the alleged tape contradicted known facts,
The D.A. claimed that the defendant committed the crime with Fradario Brim; But the D.A, uses as evidence, an alleged confession tape that says the defendant committed the crime with Montae Hudson, who was allegedly a witness that was with the victim,
The D.A. presents the fact that the victim was shot in the head close-range, and says the defendant did it; But uses as evidence the alleged confession tape that says the defendant allegedly said he shot at the victim from 2 houses away and that Montae Hudson, who was originally with the victim ran up to the victim end shot the victim 2 times in the stomach, close-range,
The D.A. uses as evidence an affidavit the D.A. alleges the defendant made in Racine to Bill Warmington; facts snow that no confession was made in Racine. The affidavit was manufactured by Warmington. It only consist of 7 short sentences on one page- with enough space on the page for a signature. However, the defendant's signature is on a completely different piece of paper. Warmington said it was a waiver form. The defendant only stated that he was in Milwaukee preparing for his aunt Veronica Hill's birthday party which is 1/7/1990, the same day of the homicide,
The D.A. uses as evidence that the affidavit says that the guns used in the crime, were 'thrown in the sewers by Latopitia Restaurant; Facts show that the sewers were pumped clean, only to
find no guns or weapons at all.
Thus if the 2 alleged confessions were true, why would none of the alleged confession match any fact? Because it is false, The alleged confessions only mention Montie Hudson as the accomplice. These manufactured pieces of evidence were made by the police involving Hudson because he was an alleged witness that the police claim knew what happened but wouldn't tell. So they manufactured an affidavit with him in claiming the defendant accused him so that he (Hudson) would see it then accuse the defendant and Brim, like he did and police and the D.A. wanted to save his own life from a frame-up. (But he later pleaded the 5th at Brim's trial), The affidavit was a ruse. Hudson was never charged because it was only a scare tactic to get the defendant and Brim because the police believed Plaze Anderson, who was the first person to implicate the defendant and Brim in this crime. However, Brim was acquitted. Under the scheme of manufactured evidence, these inconsistencies prove that the alleged confession is false and the defendant is innocent.
Marvin D Wilson 734329
NLCI; PO Box4000
New Lisbon, WI 53950

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